General Web

My Name Is Yu Ming

Sarah from work had been talking about this short film a while back but I didn’t think it was available on the web.

A bored Chinese shopkeep learns Gaelic and moves to Dublin only to find the locals no longer speak their mother tongue. Follow Yu Ming as he pursues his dream of life in the Celtic world.

My Name Is Yu Ming at AtomFilms via Donncha

The Site Web

Hosting switcheroo

Yesterday I made the decision to switch hosts. I’ve been considering it for the past week or so as my hosting agreement with Lunarpages was due to expire at the end of February. I was completely happy with them but I felt I wanted to bring the site back to Ireland and the fact that I got a good deal was a deciding factor.

I had been introduced to Michele Neylon at the Net Visionary Awards and was aware of the fact he owned Blacknight and was up for one of the awards. We didn’t chat much on the night but I’ve had some involvent with them since through work and decided if I was moving back then I might as go with them as I know they provide good service. I chose to get the Blog Package which worked out at €62.00 inc VAT. Granted, I don’t get as much bandwidth or disk space as I had, but I never came close to using that anyway. Now I’m saving money plus I get the domain renewed for another year.

The switch itself went flawlessly. I was setup within about 10 minutes of creating the account and had everything ready to go in about an hour. The DNS was then switched to point at Blacknight and the site was being served as normal thereafter. It’s nice when things just work. 🙂


Around the web

Haven’t done one of these entries lately so here goes:

The Site Web

Irish Blog Awards

The first ever Irish Blog Awards are looking for category sponsors and the good folks at Blacknight have decided to sponsor an iPod nano for the winner of the Best Blogger prize. Fair play to Michele, Paul and co as it’s good to see someone supporting such an event. The nominations are open until the 23rd so if by some fluke you like reading the blog then you can email irishawards (at) with a link to the site and the category it fits in. I only write the blog to link to interesting things and talk about stuff going on so I don’t mind either way. 🙂 I will probably attend the ceremony as it would be nice to meet some of the other guys whose blogs I read such as: Michele, Tom Raftery, Donncha O Caoimh, Dave O’Neill and people from TCAL.


Web 3.0

Zeldman has written an excellent article about Web 2.0 and suggests that we skip the middleman and go striaght to Web 3.0. I like and use some Web 2.0 sites such as Flickr and but I can see his point that people are making too much out of it and not concentrating on the important factors that go into deciding whether sites are successes or failures.