
Subscribe to Stuff On My Cat

Stumbled across Stuff On My Cat today. Funny website where contributors put stuff on their cat and take a photo (this one is a favourite). As it’s a blog I expected there to be a subscribe button somewhere for their feeds but alas there’s none that I can find. So, for anyone who uses Bloglines or any other RSS reader, then they can subscribe to Stuff On My Cat using this address.


Cool cam

First time I’ve ever posted video direct from youtube so hopefully it works. Found it whilst wandering through tcal. I really want one of those cams.


Around the web

Here we go again folks with some of the most interesting links to be had on the internet *:

*not true in any way, shape or form


Damien Mulley stole my brain

That’s how I’m feeling at the moment. The guy just talks consistent sense when it comes to the internet. His latest post outlines why Tom Raftery doesn’t need a CV and he’s right. If you look at the things that Tom has done with his blog and then you know what he’s about and the level of experience he has. Of course Damien makes the point better so go read his post. 🙂

UPDATE: The Boston Globe have run a good article on the same topic.


I pinch

These Honda ads are quite good. Sometimes the simplest ads are the best.