

Quite a terrifying road safety ad from the New Zealand Transport Agency. You have to question how reckless some people are on the roads that we have to produce these types of ads in the first place.

General Video

Just Saying

It’s almost a year since I’d seen this video about Dublin. The flow to it is fantastic and it gives you a real sense for what makes the city unique. It also made one of the women in my office cry. Worth a watch if you’ve never seen it. Written and directed by Dave Tynan with Emmet Kirwin as the lead.

Video Web

The problems with

The Verge have done it again with an excellent piece on the difficulties encountered with the site in the States. It speaks of the huge problems that procurement processes throw up and of the widening gap between what the private sector can do vs the hamstrung public service. I’ve personal experience of this problem in my work over the past few years so will be keeping a close eye on how the US go about tackling it.


Never mind the chicken wings

Irish Pictorial Weekly is a satirical sketch show that’s in its second season on RTE Two at the moment. This weeks episode highlighted the fact that that we pay our judiciary €194k. Germany pays €73k. When we have people like Judge Nolan on the bench, it makes it even worse. The video above nails the ridiculous nature of having our politicians able to drink and vote on matters of national importance. Remember this?

Video Web

Look Up

I love seeing innovative ways of tying digital advertising with real time data and British Airways have done just that with their latest billboard campaign in Piccadilly Square. The billboard has a child track a real time flight in the sky overhead with the destination details etc. Granted it’s not something smaller brands could do but this is hugely effective. Make it live, make it relevant and you’ll see the benefit.