Had a fairly busy weekend which started with football on Friday and finished with “Red Eye” last night. I’m conscious of this blog just descending into lists of things I’m doing but I promise I’ll be back to better posts soon.
- Friday: There was a disappointing crowd for football as its been for the past few weeks. We had 9 this week which isn’t all that bad considering we only had 6 the week before. EDIT: The photos are now up on Flickr.
- Saturday I went out to see if I could sort out my cousin’s PC. They don’t live close to a major town so wired broadband isn’t there yet. Some company called ilDana are providing satellite broadband in the area but the service is crap. He was getting no ADSL signal from the antenna at all. He rang his neighbour and he had the same issue.
Basically it meant that I couldn’t do the work I needed to on the PC.
Plus they don’t provide weekend support. WTF? Saturday night I went to see Des Bishop in Vicar St. I went with a crowd I know from his web site and it was a great laugh. We got free tickets which was a bonus and they were front and centre on the balcony. His new show focuses on the experiences he’s had in living in disadvantaged communities around the country. Basically he’d go into an area for a few weeks and do comedy workshops with the locals who would then put on a show at the end of it. The TV series is due to start in January but the stand up material he got from it was very funny.
- Sunday: I woke up at about 11.25 with my phone ringing. It was Mark who wanted to go down to the pub to watch the Manchester United vs Liverpool game on tele. I reluctantly got out of bed and was in the pub a half hour later. It turned out to be a rubbish game with only 4 shots on target.
It was confounded by the fact that Roy Keane broke a small bone in his foot and is now set to miss Ireland’s crucial World Cup qualifying game against Switzerland.
Last night I went to see Red Eye with Cillian Murphy and Rachel McAdams. No, I didn’t go with them, they are in it.It was an enjoyable thriller and had some genuinely scary moments. Overall I’d give it a 6.5 out of ten.