Finally posted a group of photos from the Editors gig in the Ambassador on the 28th of May. Myself, Dave, Paddy, Ryaner, Gar and his girlfriend Imogen rambled along but were suprised to find it was a dry gig. Basically that means they won’t be selling beer but that fact wasn’t advertised on any of the promotional materials or the tickets. Personally I’m not all that pushed but it should have said it somewhere. The gig itself was fantastic and these guys are really good live. Tom (lead singer) has a real knack for producing almost the exact sound that’s produced in the studio and they put quite a bit of energy into the performane. More photos in the photos section.
Category: Recommended
My Name Is Earl
After my last post bitching about Lost I thought I should even things out by giving a hearty “Tony’s Thumbs-Up Award of Total Excellence” to one of the best shows on at the moment, My Name Is Earl. Not too sure why I started watching it in the first place but it’s a quality comedy show. For the uninitiated it revolves around, Earl, a man who made his living by robbing and stealing.
When Earl wins the lottery and gets hit by a car he starts thinking that Karma is trying to tell him something, so Earl writes up a list. No ordinary list, a list of all the bad things he’s done to people. There ya have it, a simple premise for a show. No crazy hatches or “others”, just good old fashioned sharp screenwriting and perfect casting. Jason Lee is perfect in the central role of Earl and is accompanied by Ethan Suplee as his hapless brother. There’s also fantastic eye candy in the form of Jaime Pressly as Joy his crazy ex-wife, and Nadine Velazquez as Catalina. Some of the touches are just fantastic including the use of music from “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” in the last episode. Looking forward to the new season in the Autumn already.
Trailer Park
This week saw the release of a couple of new trailers so I thought I’d give my thoughts on them. They are:
Superman Returns: The official trailer for Superman Returns is now out and it looks fantastic. There’s just something about that signature music.
The trailer features Kevin Spacey hamming it up as Lex Luthor and also Kate Bosworth as the love interest who got knocked up and married in the time he was away. The cinematography is signature Singer and he looks to have captured the essence of the Superman films. We’ll know by June anyway.
Casino Royale: The first teaser for Daniel Craig’s Bond is heavy on action with the minimum of dialogue. Judie Dench’s M doubts whether the young Bond is up to the job or not and what follows would seem to suggest that he’ll be just fine. We also get a brief look at Sebastien Foucan’s Parkour skills as he jumps across a construction site. Presumably he’ll do more than that come the movie considering he’s one of the villians. Looking forward to seeing this in November.
Spiderman 3 Plot Summary
IMDB has a summary of the Spiderman 3 plot. Really enjoyed the first two so looking forward to this. If you want to read it here I’ve included it in an extended entry.
Inside Man
I’m generally a fan of heist films and this one is a real gem. I haven’t viewed most of Spike Lee’s previous back catalogue so I didn’t come into the film with any preconceptions. Essentially Inside Man is about a bank robbery. Clive Owen is a man on a mission, raiding one of Manhattan’s biggest banks in broad daylight.
The movie surrounds the interplay between Clive Owen’s character and Denzel Washington’s hostage negotiator. Both actors are on top form and the sense of tension between them is palpable. There’s also some wonderful scenes with bit-part characters contributing to the story in a way I wouldn’t have expected. Pop-culture references are also included with a bank employee’s ringtone and a kid’s videogame. When the finale comes it’s dealt with intelligently and is unveiled bit by bit. It makes you think about how we judge things and the values associated with power.