It’s gotta be hard to do PR for Dublin Bus but I believe they’ve struck the right note with their ‘Network Noel’ campaign. As they say themselves: “Noel wants to help customers get to know their bus service better and to make the most of Dublin Bus’ 28 high-frequency core routes. A sociable Dub originally from Kimmage, Noel wants to interact with people”. He’s been doing that across Facebook (5k likes), Instagram and Youtube over the past number of weeks and I’ve embedded my favourite ad above (“and that’s broke”).
Category: General
General postings about whats going on in my life.
Hudson Yards is the largest private development in US history and construction is underway in Manhattan. What’s unique about it? Well, the space they’ll be building in is occupied and will continue to be in the coming years. West Side Yard, a sunken rail yard wedged into Manhattan’s west side, is a critical nerve centre in NYC’s transit system: a 26-acre depot with 30 tracks and space for storage and maintenance, too. The solution? Build on top of it.
Hudson Yards will add an entire new neighbourhood — 65k people will live or work there — and all of it, from offices to schools to streets, will rest on the super-strong platform that’s now being built. Five towers will sit atop and adjacent to the platform with the tallest, 30 Hudson Yards, standing 80 stories. Mind boggling. There’s more on Gizmodo here or the official site for the project.
RIP Shane MacThomais
Shane MacThomais, resident historian at Glasnevin Cemetery and Museum, passed away suddenly late last week. I had the pleasure of meeting him last year and hearing his passion for, not just the cemetery, but Dublin as a whole. He’s a big loss to his family, friends and the city. Suaimhneas síoraí agus go raibh maith agat.
Google Glass for fire fighting
I spotted this article on the Verge last week and thought it was genuinely the best use of Google Glass that I’ve seen. Patrick Jackson of Rocky Mount, North Carolina, is a firefighter by day and coder by night. He’s developing apps for Glass that assist in his day to day job (extracting people from buildings, locating fire hydrants etc) and it’s easy to see why Google chose him to win a developer kit in the #IfIHadGlass competition.
It’s almost a year since I’d seen this video about Dublin. The flow to it is fantastic and it gives you a real sense for what makes the city unique. It also made one of the women in my office cry. Worth a watch if you’ve never seen it. Written and directed by Dave Tynan with Emmet Kirwin as the lead.