Been pretty busy of late in work, hence the lack of posts. We’re within two weeks of the new going to “soft launch” and I’m starting to get excited about it again. It’s been a long process to get to where we are now but I honestly believe that the new version will be a true portal for the city. Of course, it’s taken a hell of a lot of work to get to where we are and it’s been quite tough but I think we’ll see the benefits over the next few months. 🙂
Author: anthony
The talking bus
Got a different bus home last night which was the 25A route and noticied that they’ve installed an announcement system for each stop. I thought someone was talking to me at first, as I had my earphones on, but sure enough it was a woman pronouncing the next stop to be “Hueston Station”. She has a weird accent in that it’s particularly neutral. Maybe tweaking the accents for different routes would be effective, for example “the next stop is Foxrock rooiissshhh” or “it’s finglas shopping centre ya bleedin dope!”. I haven’t seen this particular facility installed on any other buses so I guess this must be a trial.
Me + Snakes + BBC = Random
It was around 3pm on Tuesday when I got an email in from a researcher at BBC World radio. Hmmmm. This has got to be a wind-up, apparently they read my Snakes on a Plane review and want me to go on a show and talk about it. A few emails later and a call from the producer who quizzes me on why I liked the film. She quickly explains though that I can’t say “because there’s motherf*cking snakes on a motherf*cking plane”. 🙂
At 6.45 I would be given a call as the show was live and the presenter would be asking three of us for opinions on the movie. Have to admit I was quite nervous but I feel I acquitted myself quite well. It’s probably the one and only time I’ll be on the BBC but only through the power of the net can you write a blog entry and be on BBC radio 5 hours later. 😀
[audio:Snakes_On_A_Plane.mp3]Snakes on a Plane
Well, what can I say really? This movie does exactly what it says on the posters. It’s got motherf*cking snakes on a motherf*cking plane. 😀 Samuel L Jackson somehow manages to become even cooler over the course of the film as he tries to keep a murder witness alive while a bunch of deadly snakes try to kill everyone.
Obviously the plot is never gonna win any Oscars but this is a simple b-movie that really isn’t afraid of what people are going to think. Saying that, the screening I attended on Sunday night was nowhere near full which may not bode well for a sequel like Hamlet 2: Snakes on a Dane or Die Hard 4: Snakes on McClain (hat tip to Trev). However, I heartily enjoyed it. The CGI is quite good and the snakes are menacing. Good unadulterated fun.
Tony’s Rating: 7.5/10
Man of the Year
This looks good. In “Man of the Year” Robin Williams plays a Jon-Stewart-like fake newscaster comedian who runs for president as a publicity stunt — and wins. 🙂