I’ve taken Wednesday off to watch the results roll in on Tuesday night. If your in Cork, Sabrina is hosting a night in her place. I may well live blog it, not too sure yet.
I’ve taken Wednesday off to watch the results roll in on Tuesday night. If your in Cork, Sabrina is hosting a night in her place. I may well live blog it, not too sure yet.
8 replies on “Hope”
Notice something odd about that image? Look closely…
He’s a hologram! You’re all fools, you’re falling for The Plan! I’m packing my bags and moving to Mars, you can trust the people there. Mostly.
so hot right now!
So, are you coming down to Greystones for it? I’ll have plenty of coffee and nibbles.
Day off secured. Now if only I was in New York for the real thing.
Am I the only person who doesn’t care? Be 4 years before we come out of this damn recession anyway
@Kev: Hologram techology sure has come a long way since Star Trek.
@Darren, @Lottie: Cool, I’ll see if I can make it out to yours so.
@PaddyInEngland: Yes, you are the only person who doesn’t care. Recession distraction is great.
i think you just like the drama Toners! The only thing im looking forward to is there will probably be an episode of South Park aired tonight ripping the piss out of the whole thing.
Oh yeah and here’s my two cents, theres too many redneck trailer park living like Earl Americans for a black guy to be made President. The opinion polls mean nothing, look at the last election half the country wouldnt even admit to voting for that turd.
as predicted, got the result wrong. got the south park episode right though haha