Technically they’re not stars but seen as I’m going to Muse tonight and this entry is about meteors, I’m making the leap. Indulge me. RP pointed out the fact that a meteor shower has been peaking over the past few days. Monday night was too overcast and rainy to see anything in Dublin but the clouds cleared enough last night for me to see four meteors burning up in the atmosphere. This kind of stuff fascinates me. Nothing can bring you down to earth (excuse the pun) more than to look up at the stars and realise that what we have here is truly unique and wondrous. The shower should still be visible tonight and you can view Astronomy Ireland’s info on it here.
Segwaying straight from that to Marley Park where Muse play this evening. The first time I saw them was at Oxegen last year and they live up to their reputation as the best live band in the world. I know a few of the Irish twitter peoples are going so hopefully I’ll see them there. Will post some photos tomorrow.
4 replies on “Starlight”
I tried to see the meteor storm last night, but the regular storm got in the way. I’ll give it another try tonight.
I bet you’ll see a million while you’re waiting for Muse to pop their heads out. And it will be officially the best night ever.
@Darren: I was really lucky with the way the clouds broke.
@raptureponies: T’was cloudy.
The gig was really kick ass though. Reportage later.
I love this kind of stuff too Anthony, must keep an eye out tonight to see if I can spot anything. Did a spot of stargazing in NZ from a proper observatory – it was stunning! I didn’t see any shooting stars though, but a few others did