This is Barack Obama’s first general election campaign ad in his bid to win the White House. His campaign have wisely focused on his background, suggesting that voters need to become familiar with the man if he’s to stand any chance of winning.
I’ve been following Obama’s campaign over the many months of the primary season and I believe he will be the next president of the US. I’ve no doubt that the Republicans will be slinging mud at him over the coming months and will seek to bring race into it somewhere (again). I’m impressed with this ad though. It’s campaigning to the every man, not strictly about foreign policy issues, but about employment and education.
5 replies on “Obama’s first general election ad”
Odd the way it has to say ‘approved by barack obama’ in an ad by him starring him.
@jazz biscuit: It is quite odd alright. It must be a requirement for all election related ads.
His book, “The Audacity of Hope,” is well worth a read. He has real vision and hope for this country. Heaven only knows we need both.
The “Approved By” tagline is a requirement here for ALL ads. A little silly when it’s the candidate themselves, but the overall goal of the law is a good one: make candidates accept full responsibility for what is said in their name. Now a campaign can’t sling mud, then have their candidate claim they had nothing to do with it. They’re trying to extend it to the internet now.
@Dave2: I have the book but it’s currently in the “To Read” pile. Hope to get to it soon as I’ll I’ve heard is good reports.
Thanks for clarifying the “Approved By” tagline. It does make a lot of sense when you consider it in terms of negative campaigning.
I’ve lost my sound.
Off to find it. Be back later.