Weird what some things remind you of. I was reading this morning how Iraq’s vice-president claims Tony Blair was “brainwashed” by Bush into not setting a timetable for troop withdrawal from Iraq. Now I know that Iraq is a serious issue and all but my mind suddenly flipped onto ‘Sir Hiss’ from Disney’s 1973 movie Robin Hood. It’s an animated feature and one of my favourites as a kid. Sir Hiss was Prince John’s sidekick of sorts and was constantly trying to hypnotize him while singing the phrase ‘Trust in me, just in me’. Gotta buy it on DVD actually.
3 replies on “Trust in me, just in me”
By far my fave Disney film of all time.
Probably had something to do with the name connection alright!
i would have been thinking more in the line of Kaa from The Jungle Book, “Trust in Me”
Dude you’re right.