What a quality piece of television this show is. It’s Aaron Sorkin’s new series and damn does it kick ass. There had been some advance word about it but I only picked it up when it debuted last week with a cleverly written and sharp season premiere. This is the type of TV I like to watch. In the show, executive producer of the shows titular Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, rants live on air how shows have dumbed down to an extent where quality television is no longer relevant. This is the perfect counterbalance. The premiere moves that fast and introduces so much that I had to watch it a second time around just to take it all in. It’s some of the sharpest script writing I’ve watched and the performances from the cast are superb. Unlike most of the people I know, I never caught the earlier seasons of The West Wing and so only knew Sorkin from his reputation which this show is doing nothing but enhancing.
4 replies on “Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip”
casting his old west wing buddies eh?
I completely agree… television excellence. Sadly, this means that it will probably be canceled, because it’s too smart for the average American television viewer.
Have you ever seen “Sports Night”?? I actually find it to be superior to “The West Wing.” It, of course, was cancelled… but well worth seeking out on DVD if you can get it across the pond.
Trev: Well I recognise the Bradley Whitford but that’s it.
Are they more alumni?
Dave: I must see if I can pick “Sports Night” up so. It doesn’t seem to be listed on any of the regular online stores I’d use like play.com or cdwow. Sounds like a good show though.
First episode rocked, second episode I was wondering where the time went, it moved so fast and third episode was so so. Still better than most shows out there though.