Well so ends a very busy week. The new version of dublin.ie was put live on Wednesday afternoon (one day later than we expected) and things have gone relatively smoothly since. There have been issues with some people not being able to login but we’re handling the queries as they come in with the helpdesk. I’m really pleased with the new design although there is so much still to sort out. I’ve printed out all 12 content zones (ie. Accommodation, Transport etc) and stuck them on the wall in work just so I can get a view on what’s fully finished and what’s not. It can be quite hard to do without the visual aid as we’re aiming for consistency across all pages. I’ve been modifying the source code of the site and although I don’t really know .net I haven’t broken anything…..yet.
On the socialising front I’ve been to three comedy gigs in the space of two weeks. Considering I haven’t been much over the past six months, that’s quite an achievement. Particularly memorably was Damien Clark‘s Comedy Cellar performance. Some guy who was sitting by the door decided to get up and go out before Damien’s set ended so Damo asked where he was going. “Out for a smoke, I’ll be back in 2 minutes” came the reply. “Alright everybody get your coats, we’ll finish the gig outside!” he said and we all trundled down to the front of the International Bar where Damo duely finished his set. I took a couple of pics. 🙂 I’ve actually stuck up a few photos from different things like trips to the pub and the Liffey Swim.