First time I’ve ever posted video direct from youtube so hopefully it works. Found it whilst wandering through tcal. I really want one of those cams.
First time I’ve ever posted video direct from youtube so hopefully it works. Found it whilst wandering through tcal. I really want one of those cams.
6 replies on “Cool cam”
Thats really cool.:cool:
I really love this page. I love the content of this page. You made my day.Unbelievable efforts
Ok, seriously, get HashCash from – you really need it badly and I have had only a few instances since I installed it.
Quickly Anthony, quickly!
Hmmm. Akismet seemed to miss a load of those comments so I’ve installed Hashcash to see how it does. Suprised bad-behaviour didn’t catch them either. I see the addition of smilies is going down well anyway.
nice cool cam, are you considering investing in one
Nah it’d be too much to pay for an item I’d use rarely.