It’s that time again for more linkys.
- Natalie Portman raps: A fantastic SNL clip from the States with Natalie Portman rapping. She even looks great while shouting. via tcal
- Aine Chambers – Sligo’s Chief Ambassador: Damien Mulley linked to this and frankly, the videos are hilarious. They’re for Aine’s site called
- NBA 2006 Dunk Contest: Ya gotta watch that video. The winning dunk is unreal.
- From boiling to freezing: Guy throws a bucket of water into the air……when the tempature is -40c.
- PC Penetration in Ireland: Damien also put that excellent post together on Ireland’s rate of PC takeup and how the market is stiffled by the lack of need for a PC when you can’t even get broadband.
- Geek to Live – Top Windows tweaks: After re-installing Windows XP recently some of these tips have really come in handy.
- Geek to Live – Organizing “My Documents”: Another great article over at Lifehacker on how to organize your documents better.
6 replies on “Around the web”
I nearly fell out of my chair laughing this morning when they got to Natalie’s video… that was actually kind of brave of her, and made me love her a little bit more so I could forgive the Star Wars prequels.
It’s comedy gold alright Dave. How could ya not love someone who’s willing to do that?
Thanks for the link love!
linklove should have been one word. I do not call people love. I swear!
Do you think Aine might be single?
i think aines daddy might want to throw a few more cattle onto her dowery to try and shift her, and i’m not talking about the side of beef she had on show.
anyhew, the slam dunk compo was amazing.