Haven’t done one of these entries lately so here goes:
- Honda commercial with human sound effects chorus: Really well done and worth a watch. Honda’s ads are always good. Hit the link to get to the Honda Civic page, skip the Flash intro, and then hit the “Watch” button.
- Cartoonist draws burglar, cops use it to catch him: Cracking news story.
- Photoshopping contest for potential Las Vegas ads: Worth1000.com are always doing these competitions and there are some classic ones included in this one.
- Tom Cruise on South Park: Podz linked to this hilarious clip from a recent South Park episode. Unfortunately Tom threatened Paramount with legal action if they ever showed it again so it won’t be airing on this side of the Atlantic.
- Torrent Finder: Fantastic torrent search engine that lets you search multiple sites at once.
- Future proof your email address: Some great tips on how to ensure you can use the same email address for years.
- Boot Windows from a USB drive: Haven’t read this yet but it looks interesting.
- Photograph your postal workers with cameramail: These guys send a camera attached to a postcard through the mail and get shots of postal workers. 🙂
- Top underrated apps of 2005: As picked by Lifehacker.