I’ve been looking forward to this one for a while cos I’m a big fan of Cameron Crowe’s films. Both Jerry Maguire and Almost Famous are among my favourite films and I tend to expect quite a lot of this director. I won’t mention the fiasco that was Vanilla Sky.
This film follows Drew Baylor, a twenty-something shoe designer from Oregan who’s father passes away suddenly and he is pulled into the world his father once inhabited back in his home state of Kentucky. While on the way to Elizabethtown he meets Claire Colburn who is a quirky individual set on getting to know him and his story.
Crowe’s films have always had a keen eye for character and that’s especially true here. He takes the time to explain character motivations and brings in a wide variety of actors who all provide strong performances. Orlando Bloom is very good as Drew and I bought into the idea that his head was wrecked between his job, family and trying to come to terms with his father’s extended family. Kirsten Dunst is also solid as Clare and is definitely the quirkiest role I’ve ever seen her perform. Overall though there were certain things about the film which didn’t sit with me 100%. It’s very hard to describe. Anyhow, it’s a very good film and one I’d recommend. I’m also thinking it’ll be better suited to DVD.
Tony’s Verdict: 7/10
One reply on “Elizabethtown”
I am Jerry fuckin Maguire.
who’s your motherfucker jerry?
Your my mother fucker, i love tha black man.