Had my first training session with the team from Dunboyne last night. For anyone not in the know, I train and manage a team of 15 year old lads at Dunboyne AFC. I manage the 15C team. Last season I was a bit frustrated in that I couldn’t properly train the team on fitness and skills as I didn’t know any drills etc. I began sorting that out over the summer by taking the “Kickstart Level 1” coaching course that is run by the FAI. The course was great fun and gave me a lot of great tips on how to deal with and plan the training sessions. I still have a long way to go and there’s another course on in October.
After the training session finished last night, two of the managers from the 15As team were waiting to have a chat. They wanted to transfer two of my players up to their team and I agreed as you can’t really stand in the way of the lads development. I wished them the best and they’ll be in good company as two other players from my team last year have already moved up to the A team (:smile:) over the summer. It may leave us tight on numbers this year but I may be able to borrow players for games if we’re short. The first game is this Sunday against East Meath United so there’ll be a report from that.
3 replies on “A new season starts”
It’s tough work coming up with fitness drills. Shuttle Runs and that funny sideways run thing with your arms out are good for agility :p
Do you reckon your team will do well this year?
is it not enough you’re playing foreign garison sports, but you rplaying with foreigners too? EAST-Meath, jaysus!
Ed: It’s a bit too early to tell but we do need reinforcements as taking four kids away from any team will have a big impact. We’ll give it our best go though.
Trev: Absolutely. East Meath are rougher than West Meath.