Found this meme via Neil who found it via Dave who got it from Chris.
- What time did you get up this morning? 8:16am to get my bus at 9.10
- Diamonds or pearls? Pearls.
- What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Sideways, excellent film which was both subtle and hilarious.
- What is your favourite TV show? At the moment its Scrubs. Consistently funny.
- What did you have for breakfast? Two bowls of Cheerios.
- What is your middle name? Thomas
- What is your favorite cuisine? Italian
- What foods do you dislike? Really spicy stuff.
- What is your favourite crisp/chip flavour? Whatever flavour Wheelies are.
- What is your favourite CD at the moment? At the moment its the Ocean’s 12 OST by David Holmes.
- What kind of vehicle do you drive? Don’t drive yet although I am studying for the theory test.
- Favourite sandwich? Subway Turkey Breast and Ham with Cheese, Lettuce and Tomatoe.
- What characteristics do you despise? Selfishness and snobbery.
- Favourite item of clothing? My Firefox t-shirt.
- If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Somewhere warm but not too warm and where the people are nice.
- What colour is your bathroom? It’s got white tiles.
- What colour pants are you wearing? Brownish chords.
- Where would you retire to? No idea yet.
- Favourite time of the day? Morning.
- What was your most memorable birthday? My 18th birthday when my mum arranged for all my friends and family to come to the house.
- Where were you born? Dublin.
- What’s the last thing you ate? Cheerios.
- If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Blue.
- Favorite flower? Rose.
- What fabric detergent do you use? Tesco’s one.
- Coke or Pepsi? Coke.
- Do you wish on stars? Not consciously.
- What is your shoe size? Between a 9 and a 10.
- Do you have any pets? Yes, two cats – Fat and Mogey.
- Last person you talked to on the phone? My mum.
- What did you want to be when you were little? A fireman.
- What are you meant to be doing now? Working.
- What do you first notice about someone? Demeanour.
- Siblings? One younger brother, Conor.
- What was your favourite toy as a child? Matchbox toy cars.
- Summer or winter? Summer, but winter is cool if it snows.
- Hugs or Kisses? Hugs.
- Chocolate or vanilla? Both. Together.
- Who is most likely to respond? Probably noone.
- Who is least likely to respond? Everyone.
- Living arrangements? At home with mum and brother.
- When was the last time you cried? Probably at my grandads funeral a year ago.
- What is under your bed? Think its just old books and things.
- How many countries have you visited? Hmm, Wales, Spain and Portugal. I need to get out more.
- In how many cities have you lived? Just Dublin.
- Favourite movie of all time? The Shawshank Redemption – legend.
- Mountains or beach? Mountains, not 100% sure why.
- The current friend you have known the longest? Probably Dave who I’ve known for donkey’s years.
- Full names of your potential kids? No idea.
- Usual bedtime? Usually aboit 12.
One reply on “Fifty”
Yay, someone else who answered the 50 question meme that I posted!
You do realise I’m taking over the world with this don’t you?