This post is to mark the day that over 140,000 people died in the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster. I’m writing this almost two weeks later and the scale of the devestation is just unbelievable. Whole families have been wiped out and I don’t believe a true total will ever be known. Watching the news footage over the past couple of weeks has been horrendous and its hard to take it all in. I can’t imagine the horror that has been inflicted on these people. I’m sorting out my donation this weekend and I hope to be as generous as possible.
On a personal note, I know of a few people who are/were in the region pretty close to the time of the disaster. TheOriginalH I know from SitePoint and was in Thailand up to a week before the disaster, luckily he had gone home for Christmas. One of the guys from work, Anto, has his brother out there, Brendan (used to work here and is a good mate), but he wasn’t affected thank god.
If you haven’t pledged more already please do. TheOriginalH has posted a list of organisations on his site and there are more more links around the web so please take the time and help these people out. They have little or nothing left.