Well its two weeks since I’ve posted and it’s also just under two weeks to Christmas. Can’t believe it’s approaching this fast to be honest. Plenty to do so I’m going to be up to my eyes over the next while. Went to a party for Helen’s fiancé, Eamonn, who’s back from Liberia on the 4th. Good to see him back and they’re looking forward to the wedding in February.
Ordered some gifts online at the start of last week. Just hoping that they arrive on time as there seems to be some sort of delay in postage of parcels over the past month or so. Haven’t seen any films of late, there hasn’t been much on to be honest and the prospect of seeing a crap Christmas movie doesnt excite me at all. Planning on taking a couple of days off work soon to get the last bits of shopping done too.
Here’s something which I quite enjoyed and dug up from my bookmarks: Stand up and be counted: Edinburgh’s 50 best jokes
2 replies on “2 Weeks to go!”
:mrgreen::idea::grin::evil::cool::smile::arrow: I’m bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored…..:?::!::sad::mad::lol::eek::cry::wink::roll::razz::oops:
Thanks for your contribution Wolfy.
As always it was highly insightful.