Went and purchased the standard retail edition of Half-Life 2 yesterday from Smyths on Jervis Street. Didn’t think €45 euros was too bad a price to pay and I can always get Half-Life:Source and DOD:Source from Steam. I was all :mrgreen:………until I got home that night. Trying to register the damn thing was an absolute and utter nightmare. I spent from 8 till 10 o’clock just trying to get Steam to work. It worked once and then seemed to disconnect after I registered the CD key. Valve knew that there would be a massive hit on the servers on the day of launch but failed to compensate for it with additional bandwidth.
I don’t think I’ve ever been more frustrated at a game. I had the game installed on my hard disk but couldn’t play it! Crazy situation when you think about it. Anyway I gave up at about 10 and went and watched tele. Will be trying it again tonight and I really hope it works this time.