Finally got around to buying a new PC after having the same one for almost five years. I decided to take the plunge with the prospect of Half-Life 2 being released in the next few weeks. I got an AMD 64 3200+ processor, 1Gb of memory, MSI K8N Neo 3 motherboard, 2 x 200Gb hard drives, a Sapphire Radeon 9800 256-bit graphics card and a 12x Dual Layer DVD-RW drive. I’m salvaging a couple of bits (DVD ROM drive, modem) from my old machine so I can save a bit of money there. This is what it looks like.
Thinking about investing in a 19-inch flat panel monitor and will make the call over the next couple of weeks. Not sure if the graphics card will run games that well at the monitors 1280×1028 native resolution though and that’ll be a deciding factor.