Well, I’m but 6 days (including today) away from the exams. I’ve got 4 topics to cover namely: Distributed Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Strategic Management and E-Commerce. There’s quite a lot of material in them though so I’ll be doing a lot of hours over the next while. On a lighter note, we’ll all be going to the Formal Ball on the night we finish the exams. Should be a bit of a laugh and will serve to let off steam before we get stuck into the project for 5 weeks after that.
For any stateside visitors who are into technology you should think of going to Gnomedex. It’s a technology convention run by the great folk at Lockergnome. They publish weekly and daily newsletters about technology and, from what I hear, put on an excellent convention each year.
One reply on “Exams Looming”
Just wishing you good luck with your study. The exams will be over before you know it. Good luck even though you don’t need it. And by the way I don’t like the way you can’t see me on your map! I may have to move to another country – damn it! ; – )